Case Studies

We’ve already worked with several Melbourne-based not-for-profit organisations to help them have greater impact.
Berry Street

We assisted Berry Street, one of Australia’s larger child and family services organisations, to explore how their data might be used more effectively to support their work and help achieve and track against their strategic plan. The project involved a data quality review of their client information platform and feedback related to aligning data with outcomes.
TaskForce Community Agency provides wraparound support, including counselling, education and transition-to-work programs, for young people, adults and families facing serious disadvantage. The project involved analysis of client demographics and service use to make better strategic decisions. TaskForce Head of Strategy Mike Davis discusses the project here and shares some key lessons. The final report about the data partnership is available on the Taskforce website. Read their 2020 Annual Report here.
GiveOUT (Formerly The Channel)

In partnership with LGBTIQ+ giving circle, GiveOUT, we conducted the first comprehensive snapshot of the flow of dollars from government, philanthropy and direct donations to Australia’s rainbow community, and presented the findings as an interactive visual scroller.
Climate for Change
We hosted a hackathon with environmental not-for-profit organisation Climate for Change (C4C) with a team of data specialists from Deloitte. The hackathon aimed to analyse C4C's donations data to help the group to develop a diverse and sustainable fundraising model that doesn't rely solely on crowdfunding campaigns. The analysis also highlighted how the group could more effectively target potential donors.
Community Hubs Australia
In February 2020, we hosted Melbourne's first Datathon for Social Good with Community Hubs Australia (CHA), a not-for-profit organisation providing support to migrant women with young children. Participants selected from two tracks: an ‘internal track’ crunching data about CHA’s programs and activities, and an ‘external track’ analysing demographic data to determine where to open new hubs. Visit the Datathon for Social Good website to learn more.