Training and Support
Welcome to the SmartyGrants training and support page!
Here at SmartyGrants we know how challenging it can be when it comes to learning new software systems. Indeed, often with very little time to do so! Well, can we give you the good news? Or the better news? SmartyGrants offers a range of training and support options for users to upskill at their own pace.
Where to start?
Your training journey starts here!
All SmartyGrants subscriptions come with a range of complimentary training and support:
- FREE access to SmartySkills, the SmartyGrants learning management system (LMS).
- FREE access to the Help Hub, a source of comprehensive written documentation on all functionality with links to other helpful resources. To access the Help Hub, select Online Documentation from the Manage Site.
- FREE access to email support when you contact our Support and Training Team.
- FREE monthly update on scheduled releases and grantmaking news.
Custom training can also be arranged and SmartyGrants Managed Services can be engaged for customers who are short on time or have complex needs.
Training and support are provided by real-life humans who are SmartyGrants experts and grants experts, who care about and respect your needs and timelines, and who take seriously their obligations to meet agreed response time targets.
Our main training offering comprises SmartySkills – the official SmartyGrants LMS.
SmartySkills is the official home of the SmartyGrants education and
training program. This learning management system (LMS) comprises a
series of high-quality, regularly updated online courses for
SmartyGrants users of all skill levels. SmartySkills provides immediate
access to a self-guided, online learning journey through self-paced,
mobile-compatible courses across three complexity levels:

Access training from anywhere, 24/7:

Whether you are an account administrator that needs to know everything about SmartyGrants from beginning to end, a grants officer keen to build your grants program for maximum impact or a casual user of SmartyGrants keen to glean insight into a specific topic, SmartySkills has everything you need to get you up and running (and keep you running for your whole SmartyGrants journey)! There are dozens of interactive and video-driven online courses available. Use your LMS profile to easily track your learning progress:

To access SmartySkills, select Education and Training from the Manage Site Help.
Online custom training
Following your use of SmartySkills (above) and our online Help Hub documentation, our Training Team is happy to assist you with a custom training session where you can set the training agenda. We recommend you book a session between 1 and 4 hours in length depending on the amount of content you wish to cover off. Our Trainers are best placed to work out how long topics will take depending on the level of experience of attendees. During the session, you can deep dive into specific areas of SmartyGrants in the context of your process. To organise a date and time for a custom training session, please contact [email protected].
Our online custom training costs are available on request (training charged hourly. We recommend initially booking between 1 and 4 hours):
- 1 hour (e.g., single topic deep dive):
just finished your first application form build? Walk through the
results with a Trainer. Need some help managing your contact directory?
We can assist. Looking for assistance with something more complex? No
problems, just reach out!
- 4 hours (e.g., multi-topic exploration): looking to cover multiple topics? We can assist. When you reach out to us, let us know what aspects of the system you are keen to cover so we can deliver the training content effectively!
All online training sessions use Microsoft Teams. If you are not familiar with Microsoft Teams, we would encourage you to watch this video to familiarise yourself with it. Check that your system meets the minimum requirements here.
Technical Support
Technical support is provided primarily by our Australian-based Support Team. You can contact them by emailing [email protected]. Complimentary technical support is provided for all SmartyGrants users, including applicants and assessors.
If you have an urgent issue you can contact your local SmartyGrants representative.
Need more help?
Don't have time for training just yet? Feel like implementation would be easier with a few extra hands? Want someone to help you build forms and set up your workflows? Our SmartyGrants Managed Services Team can offer a tailored package of SmartyGrants services to suit your budget and your needs.
Bookings, cancellations and refunds policy
Where a training invoice has been issued, it must be paid at least 10 business days prior to the date the training is scheduled. Training bookings are confirmed via email to the primary contact for the training booking approximately 3 business days before the scheduled training date for online training, or approximately 7 business days prior to the date the training is scheduled for face-to-face training. Once training is confirmed, we begin to incur costs. Thus, if you find that you are unable to attend training after it is confirmed:
a) Where an invoice has been issued, no refund is available.
b) Where a voucher has been redeemed in lieu of an invoice, the voucher is forfeited.
c) You may nominate someone else from your organisation to attend the training in your place.
All on-site training is organised alongside an online training contingency. Should the online training contingency be enacted at our request after a session is confirmed, a refund of the difference between the on-site and online training costs will be provided. Should the online training contingency be enacted at your request after a session is confirmed, a refund for any recoverable costs will be provided. Please note, this might exclude accommodation and travel expenses.
Written notification of changes to training bookings, including requests for cancellations and refunds, should be sent to [email protected].